Feb 26, 2015

The internet is for Porn

Porn is a 13 BILLION $ industry in the US. 12% of the internet IS porn, while 25% of search engine requests are for porn. 8% of daily emails (2.5 billion) are for porn. 40 million US adults visit porn sites daily. 42.7% of internet users view pornography. That is actually lower than I anticipated... More than a 1/3rd of 16/17 yr old boys visit porn sites admittedly. Only about 8% of girls the same age. Good luck, teenage girls. You get to grow up to be a porn star or have your man cheat on you/have a porn addiction (probably gonna have a porn addiction anyways.) 80% of 15-17 year olds have multiple exposure to HARDCORE PORN. Classy. I'm not dating anyone that was born after 1990... I bet they will have GREAT expectations in the bedroom! (takes a large chunk away from my target market, TBH) Average age of exposure to internet porn ... 11. FUCKING 11 YEARS OLD. Ok, honestly, when I was 11, I had never seen any kind of porn, nor was I thinking about dicks and vaginas. I was playing with frogs, bugs, rocks and camping with girl guides. Pretending to be Indiana Jones, and wishing desperately I could find the Ninja Turtles. WTF genY/iAge, you ruined the world.
90% of 8-16 year olds have watched porn online, in most cases the CHILD having "unintentionally" accessed something while doing a search for "homework" purposes.
Anyone want a fish taco? Extra mayo...