Oct 4, 2007

Are You Bored Out Of Your Fucking Mind?

Let me axe you something.

When you're bored, are you one of those people that play Solitare? Does it drive you mental? Are you sick and tired of those DAMN CARDS????

How about minesweeper?

Tell ya what, why don't you throw those out the Window XP Home edition.
I've got something better for ya.

NEOPETS. What's that, you ask?
It's a little website that is kind of cute, where you get to create what is called a "Neopet". They are mythical creatures that are very adorable to look at, although I prefer the ugly ones.

You can feed them, play with them, clothe them, create a bank account, store things in a Safety Deposit Box or a Gallery, create a shop and sell things, fight other neopets, give the Neopet a pet (called a Petpet) and best of all: PLAY GAMES!!!!

Petpets are just little mini Neopets, mostly for decoration. They can gain levels just like Neopets, and also do activities that your pet can't do.

That's right! No more crappy Microsoft card games! Neopets has hundreds of games in every style to entertain you! Puzzle games, arcade games, adventure games, and GAMBLING TOO. Not to influence or promote gambling, but sometimes it is fun just to throw some money into the slots.

Now here's the best part: IT IS ABSOLUTELY FREE!
When you play games, you get what is called "Neopoints" which is the cash equivilant on the website. Keep them, spend them, buy stuff or donate them, whatever you want. The bank will also give you DAILY INTREST which is calculated depending on the amount you have in the bank, and the type of bank account you have. Some people have MILLIONS

I just like the games.

You can build a "Neohome" for you pet to live in, it's just for fun but sometimes it can be entertaining for those of you who enjoy home decor and design.

If you're a man of habit and a packrat, you'll love the Gallery feature! hoard your goodies, and show them off to the world!

You get your own webpage you can spruce up or let sit if you desire. Here is a screenshot of my page, with my favorite Neopet, SZhean:

They have mini-HTML courses available for the computer illiterate, like myself... (kinda)

Which is a really nice tool! They will automatically create a basic page for you. You can edit it if you feel the need.

You can create more than one pet if you get a kick out of it, choosing the animal out of more than 50 species, and colour (and name). Best way to find out?

CREATE ONE! It takes no time at all, and is absolutely free!

All you have to do is click the link: CREATE A NEOPET And follow the simple instructions, you'll be playing in NO TIME AT ALL!


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