Mar 22, 2007


Hi I am deaf and hope you can understand my english. I understand that a long writing can turn many people off but I hope you will understand why it is a long one because I am honest and open minded 1. I am living alone peacefully as I always feel it is not right to have children because there are continuance of sufferings somewhere in a human body because human body is not perfect. Also If I count all pains that are including serious accidents like auto accidents or hands get cut by kitchen knifes, etc., all over the world. The number of extreme pains could be countless which are constantly 24 hours for years because of by chance with about six billions people. By counting all the pains, if I decide to have a child then that mean it is good as if I torture my child with extreme pain 24 hours for years. For example, I said that every inch of my body is in an extreme pain which feel like broken bones which last 24 hours for years without stop which is never heard of but it is true by visualizing the total of unstoppable serious pains over the world. Why should I add more people on earth? If I add them then the accidents and the sufferings of human body because of not perfect human body will be added as well? Someone may ask, must I avoid all pains? Well, a painful experience can be okay as long as you hurt yourself only by marathon (in a sport), hit yourself by hands or anything else because its your own body but hurting other people is not a good idea. That is why I went to the Planned Parenthood to have my private parts tied too early because just in case I may change my mind and want a baby. Parents may say and look at our children and they want to be alive. I think understand that but when in the past before their children were born there is no proof that they want to be born because they are not here yet. I think average person's body can feel about 60 percents of pain and 40 percents of pleasure because if you are honest with yourself then you may notice that there is usually more pain than pleasure in your body. If you want to have a child then you may expect a child to feel around 60 percents of pain and 40 percents of pleasure therefore you may feel responsibility for causing that 60 percents of pain in a child. Someone may say if I want to live along with that 60 percents of pain therefore I bet that my child will think that way too. But I think that person should to keep it to herself and not put it on a child to think that way. What if a person has 99 percents of pain and 1 percent of pleasure then will it still be okay to have a baby with 99 percents of pain ? I think it is wrong to have baby as long as there is pain. If there is no pain therefore people can have right to have a baby. I don't think there is at least a couple on earth that don't feel pain therefore all people on earth have no right to have a baby. Let me make up a fake story so you will understand better, if a person has supernatural power then that person see a rock on road and say to herself that rock must be feeling numb because it is a dead thing so she decide to use her supernatural power to change 100 percents of numbness to 60 percents of pain and 40 percents of pleasure. Therefore now the rock no longer feeling numb but both pain and pleasure and that rock seems is not happy anymore because being numbness is far better off than feel a pain and a pleasure. For small or big pain can ruin everything. It is very important to leave that rock alone. It is same with baby, before a baby was born, that baby probably was feeling numb because it may came from soil (or so called foods). For soil may feel numbness which is far more peaceful than feeling pain and pleasure same time. 2. Someone may ask, do you mean having a baby is worst than being a murder or animal abuser or even all other criminal activies. I would say yes because there is no pain without a child. I can't think of any pain that is greater than baby because with my reasons a baby can be up to 75 years old therefore it is 75 years of painful while other crime activities are mostly overnight,not only 75 years of painful because from two(male and female) babies can produce millions or even billions of people in the future. When I want to bring a child then my conscience may tell me its wrong to do that because it may tell me that I should know better only hurt myself by marathon or anything else but not produce a pain in someone else.Hurting yourself is better than hurting other people although I don't recommend you to do that. Having a child is good as if I am hurting other people. Someone may say but my conscience seems tell me I have right to produce a baby. Well, her good conscience can get more weaker if "she keep counting how many people are in the world " I mean being a copycat can be dangerous. I can give you more or a better example, a person can say my conscience seems tell me I have right to kill some ants or insects with Raid because it is approved by government but in reality it is murderous which is in same degree as killing people. Other example, any person can say my conscience seems tell me I have right to have a baby because of sperm or egg but in reality you can't say its OK to kill because of Raid likewise you can't say its OK because of sperm. Having a sperm nor Raid does not mean its a right thing to do. I am telling the truth that a human body is very ill like aids or any disease that cause pain constantly because I have never heard anyone living without pain either in small or big. Someone may say I made it looks like I am depressed. Well, I am not talking about depression but a natural unavoidable pain. Even every newly born baby in a hospital can feel pain because a flesh is not perfect.Some people may say that having a child is the most beautiful thing in the world. I think I know why they say that because in reality, it is the most painful in the world therefore they have to cover it up by saying its most wonderful thing to do. It's a confusion statement to call good evil and call evil good. 3. I always wish that there are no laws about clothes, school, death sentence and even with insects or animals as pest control, drugs and liquors but I don't use them, etc. I may continue to eat any kind of foods but it is better to eat only fishes because I am sure that all fishes allow me eat them as they eat some smaller fishes too as sharing in the food chain. If I eat a cow then it may not be fair because a cow may not eat an animal but hay from the farmers. That is why cows may boycott against us and tell us that they are not participate in the food chains of killing each others like a boxing game. Sometime I still eat meat but I don't kill them myself but for the best interest someday I must learn to not to eat cows so farmers cannot kill cows for money. 4. Some people may say it is OK to eat plants but not animals but in my opinion it may not okay to eat plants because they can be living beings If you have to eat plant, I suggest you to eat a "fly plant " have you heard that plant has a trap leaf to catch flies? 5. You may notice that I keep saying about right and wrong but in my opinion there is no such as a sin because I think if everything we do wrong is basically from some deformed (pains or numbs) brains like mental illness. There are no such as any wrong doings without mental illness. The sin can't exist because a pain can't say I want more pain because it is natural for the pain to say I want no pain but pleasure only. If a person want to do a bad thing in his thinking but it is still natural for that bad to say no I don't want more bad but only good. All bad may always connect with pains or numbs or not enough of pleasure that don't want more of itself. Someone may say but some people may even have pleasure in torturing animals or people. Well, I think a pleasure of torturing in these people is still insufficient which it may still need more pleasure. For example, a small weak pleasure may still need more to be full and perfect pleasure, like there are degrees of pain which some pain can be weak or strong. An insufficient pleasure (weak pleasure but without numbs or pains) is still not perfect. If a person with 100 percents of pleasure, therefore there is no complaining within that person which he or she can say who can bother me further. I have not seen a person with full pleasure (no pains or numbs) but it could happen to anyone. Things can be looked like sinful but in reality they are just a mental illness (pains, numbs or small insufficient pleasure) That is why people who hurt themselves by hurting others can't be called the sinners but just mental illness people. Therefore all criminals over the world are innocents as mental illness people. I think I can understand that but I don't try to do it wrong and take an advantage of it as an innocent mental illness person myself. 6. I am not a creationist or evolutionist because all colors are individuals. They can't be changed into another colors or disappeared. There is not even one color missing in the universe. What I can feel in my body is always the same one color because it can't get into all other colors to feel many different colors. For one color can only feel its own color. All different colors are separable feelings. For example there is a color of white and blue next to each other and at the edge of white which is next to blue still has no way to be blue because at the edge is still white. For white is white. Therefore I am always the same one color from everlasting to everlasting. How can I the one color evolved or created from God or apes or smaller animals or plants that already have their own one color? There may be some look like evolved or created things here from past to present but one color is the only answer to me. 7. Some people may think they are more than one color because they may say they can see the many colors. But in reality they may just see the colors from their standpoint of one color. For an example if I am one color as blue and I can see many colors but it doesn't mean I am many colors. It means that I am blue as from end of blue border line which I am able to see many colors while I am still blue. 8. Some people may have hard time to understand that I said that we can't be all colors but one color because they may looked at their bodies and saw many colors like red by blood, white by bone, etc. therefore they may think they are more than one color. I just called the many colors the foods which are not the real me because I strong believe that I can't become the foods that I ate as I am stuck with one color myself forever. In my other paragraph from my website, I explain more about one color, how it functions with the foods and where it come from. I consider foods as visible and one color as invisible(hidden). It is mysterious but we can learn more about it as long as we are honest and open to all ideas. If you want to read more about one color and deep issues about life then please go to a free web site which is w9ww.9free9webs.co9m/one9color There are many numbers of 9 within this link so please copy it and paste it then remove the 9 because a full link wont work here. I want to add more before you go to my web site, in beginning there were imperfect shapes within one color but enough of many different shapes which they were enabled to exist as wisdom then moved from imperfect shapes into perfect shapes to be a person. this is my best and positive theory which can be true because if I start with something like blank or no shapes in the beginning therefore there will be no life. From my understanding some scientists may think everything cames from a big bang in the beginning but to me it is nonsense theory because how can it cause a big bang if everything was in non motion ? I think everything was non motion because of friction. As all things may can't move forever because of friction unless there is a life within one color which is called wisdom to start with , not with big bang as it is non existence to me. For non existence means non motion, nothing more. Some scientists may say in the beginning everything was in motion but non existence but they have to think twice that law of friction which everything can't be in motion forever therefore everything in the beginning must be non motion. I must be thankful that there was enough of different shapes as wisdom which enables me to live to overcome that non motion otherwise I may not know how to move from non motion to motion in the beginning. What is why to me a big bang theory is impossible because I believe in the beginning everything was in non motion as it is. Now I am talking about all colors which thay are always here until today and forever because there is no such as changing or disappearing colors as I don't believe in magic but only tricky. For example if there are 500 trillions of different colors in the universe right now therefore it is always the same 500 trillions of colors in the beginning and also in the future. There are no such as 500 trillions of colors then later to 499 trillions of colors. For colors are colors. Since there are numbered of colors therefore there must be a end of universe to other end of universe which you can not go any further. I don't believe in a endless universe which it is nonsense because it means without number of colors. It can't be true because since colors are numbered. Everything was in non motion but later except for those one colors which have plenty of different shapes within one color themselves which has more opportunity to exist as wisdom to know how to move from non motion to motion. 20 07

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