Jan 8, 2016

Goal setting for 2016: My Annual "bucket list".

I have been writing a lot of letters to the universe, lately.  You know, the whole "secret" thing? Manifesting your destiny...  I've also written a letter to the city of Vancouver, basically apologizing for the bad taste it left in my mouth. Anyways, I have started compiling my list of things to do, my priorities, dreams, and desires for the following months.  Here we go...

  1. Quit drinking. Again. That shit is bad for me...
  2. Finish INSANITY once more, and complete 1 round of P90X
  3. buy a one bedroom apartment in Chiang Mai
  4. buy an apartment in northern Italy
  5. Reinvest in gold bullion - buy back roughly 5-6 oz.
  6. MAX OUT TFSA at 51,000$
  7. Lose 10lbs X
  8. De-clutter (internationally) X
  9. Visit at least 2 new countries (X1/2)
  10. Find a new career to allow my freedom
  11. Help someone X
  12. Start my scholarship fund (5000$ grant for inventive teens around the world)
  13. OBLITERATE debt
  14. Live on a budget
  15. Fix my truck (new transmission, brakes, tires, etc) X
  16. Get my motorbike license
  17. Succeed as an actor (actor goals will be another post)
  18. Get an AGENT & find work.
  19. Attend at least one sci-fi convention in 2016
  20. Learn a new skill 
  21. perfect a new language
  22. Fix my PC
  23. Find a new Canadian home base
  24. Digitize my DVD collection
  25. eBay shit that I don't use anymore
  26. Go scuba diving
  27. Do another juice fast for minimum 2 weeks
  28. Go to the USA to visit friends
  29. Be romantic X
  30. Fall in LOVE X
  31. Let others help me X
  32. Stop saying "NO" - life is IMPROV. X
  33. Don't interrupt people.
  34. Explore my sexuality and boundaries.
  35. Stop calling people "shithead" (unless it's my dog) X
  36. Get Doger updated on his vaccines & get rabies titer done
  37. Start writing letters again X
  39. Work on my social media accounts X
  40. Help create a star
  41. Be in the right place at the right time
  42. Find somewhere else to go in YVR (NOT Gastown)
  43. WORK HARD. Stop procrastinating
  44. Celebrate Valentine's day <3 X
  45. Quit eating meat completely.
  46. Drink Shakeology every day
  47. Promote Beach Body & Nucerity to others
  48. Visit mom more often
  49. Reconnect with old friends & relatives 
  50. Meditate
  51. Do KEGALS
  52. Get dog training
  53. Pay for mom's new carpets
  55. Take online Master Class X
  56. Look into University in Florence.
  57. Find a volunteer vacation
  58. Decide where to focus my energy
  59. Jump on EVERY opportunity
  60. Try new things
  61. Be safe & healthy
  62. Spend Christmas with family
  63. Read more books
  64. Celebrate every holiday
  65. Sing karaoke X
  66. Grow my hair back
  67. Shave hair for backpacking in Peru so I don't have to bring shampoo and conditioner
  68. Save 50k the hard way.
  69. Let things go
  70. Be vulnerable
  71. Don't act. React.
  72. Create a new character me
  73. Graduate acting school X
  74. Find love and happiness in each day
  75. Don't let things bother me