- Quit drinking. Again. That shit is bad for me...
- Finish INSANITY once more, and complete 1 round of P90X
- buy a one bedroom apartment in Chiang Mai
- buy an apartment in northern Italy
- Reinvest in gold bullion - buy back roughly 5-6 oz.
- MAX OUT TFSA at 51,000$
- Lose 10lbs X
- De-clutter (internationally) X
- Visit at least 2 new countries (X1/2)
- Find a new career to allow my freedom
- Help someone X
- Start my scholarship fund (5000$ grant for inventive teens around the world)
- Live on a budget
- Fix my truck (new transmission, brakes, tires, etc) X
- Get my motorbike license
- Succeed as an actor (actor goals will be another post)
- Get an AGENT & find work.
- Attend at least one sci-fi convention in 2016
- Learn a new skill
- perfect a new language
- Fix my PC
- Find a new Canadian home base
- Digitize my DVD collection
- eBay shit that I don't use anymore
- Go scuba diving
- Do another juice fast for minimum 2 weeks
- Go to the USA to visit friends
- Be romantic X
- Fall in LOVE X
- Let others help me X
- Stop saying "NO" - life is IMPROV. X
- Don't interrupt people.
- Explore my sexuality and boundaries.
- Stop calling people "shithead" (unless it's my dog) X
- Get Doger updated on his vaccines & get rabies titer done
- Start writing letters again X
- Work on my social media accounts X
- Help create a star
- Be in the right place at the right time
- Find somewhere else to go in YVR (NOT Gastown)
- WORK HARD. Stop procrastinating
- Celebrate Valentine's day <3 X
- Quit eating meat completely.
- Drink Shakeology every day
- Promote Beach Body & Nucerity to others
- Visit mom more often
- Reconnect with old friends & relatives
- Meditate
- Get dog training
- Pay for mom's new carpets
- Take online Master Class X
- Look into University in Florence.
- Find a volunteer vacation
- Decide where to focus my energy
- Jump on EVERY opportunity
- Try new things
- Be safe & healthy
- Spend Christmas with family
- Read more books
- Celebrate every holiday
- Sing karaoke X
- Grow my hair back
- Shave hair for backpacking in Peru so I don't have to bring shampoo and conditioner
- Save 50k the hard way.
- Let things go
- Be vulnerable
- Don't act. React.
- Create a new character me
- Graduate acting school X
- Find love and happiness in each day
- Don't let things bother me
Life, Travel. Eat, Sleep, make money... Travel. Live. Learn. Appreciate. Die smiling.
Jan 8, 2016
Goal setting for 2016: My Annual "bucket list".
I have been writing a lot of letters to the universe, lately. You know, the whole "secret" thing? Manifesting your destiny... I've also written a letter to the city of Vancouver, basically apologizing for the bad taste it left in my mouth. Anyways, I have started compiling my list of things to do, my priorities, dreams, and desires for the following months. Here we go...