In celebration of international anti-procreation day:
You shouldn't have kids if:
- You dislike children.
- You like to sleep.
- You like to have sex.
- You like to have money.
- You like your freedom.
- You like to swear.
- You like to eat meals sitting down, with real cutlery.
- You like your personal space.
- You like to watch movies from start to finish in one sitting.
- You like to watch HBO.
- You don't like the appearance or smell of vomit.
- You don't like the appearance or smell of poop.
- You don't like the idea of wiping another person's snot.
- You think "Wheels on the Bus" is a stupid song.
- You like going on dates with your partner.
- You would like things to stay exactly the way they are with your partner.
- You value a daily shower.
- You think weekends at Costco are worthy of a #facepalm tweet.
- You like to shut the door while you're in the bathroom.
- You take more than one minute to make yourself presentable and ready to be seen in public.
- You don't like to say "no."
- You don't like to take "no" for an answer.
- You lack patience.
- You like keeping your living quarters tidy and neat.
- You enjoy spontaneous outings with friends.
- You disapprove of the five-second rule.
- You like to drink coffee while it's piping hot.
- You like to speak complete sentences without being interrupted.
- You prefer your iPhone screen to be smudge-free.
- You prefer your iPhone screen to be free of any kind of stickiness.
- You care about your iPhone or iPad at all.
- You like to phone your friends or family during the day.
- You dislike Goldfish crackers or Cheerios.
- You dislike stepping on LEGOs, wooden blocks or Mr. Potato Head parts.
- You strongly believe certain body parts should remain perky.
- You strongly believe other certain body parts should remain intact.
- You are not fond of stretch marks.
- You have a low tolerance for physical and psychological pain.
- You have a low tolerance for asshole-ish behavior.
- You like your current circle of friends who don't have kids.
- You hate minivans, or even worse -- SUVs.
- You are fond of your current shoe collection.
- You like having control of the music in the car.
- You detest unsolicited advice from complete strangers.
- You like your job.
- You like the furniture in your home -- glass tops, sharp corners and all.
- You enjoy fine dining.
- You dislike wrinkles -- in your clothes, as well as on your face.
- The terms "we" and "us" make you cringe.
- You like the neighbors with whom you share a wall.
- You enjoy engaging in adult conversations.
- You like to go to the gym on a daily basis and eat healthy.
- You like to travel light.
- You like to travel.
- Your pets are important to you.
- You think four colorfully dressed people wiggling their limbs is something no one should have to experience sober.
- You feel that no one other than yourself should be a representation of you.
- You like to party like it's 1999 every New Year's Eve.
- You don't like other (little) people choosing your friends for you.
- You have hobbies, passions or interests.
- You are content at your present weight.
- You dislike reading the same books every day.
- Your mental, psychological, physical, emotional and spiritual health are important to you.
- You like certainty and predictability in your day.
- You don't like to share everything you own.
- You feel you should be able to take a midday nap or put your feet up whenever you are tired.
- You feel that laundry should be limited to one load per week.
- Matching socks is far from your favorite pastime.
- Extreme emotions frighten you.
- You like to remain informed about current events.
- You prefer not to explain the "birds and the bees" to little people.
- The day you graduated, you swore you'd never set foot in a school again.
- You think holidays such as Christmas and Easter should be relaxing and a chance to unwind.
- You think summer means patios, beer and beaches.
- You think Chuck E. Cheese's is where people go when they have lost all hope.
- The idea of paying thousands of dollars for someone else's tuition seems ridiculous.
- You think the phrase "Don't put that in your mouth" is unnecessary.
- You enjoy reading books intended for adults.
- You dislike germs.
- You have an extensive designer wardrobe, and you would die if any of the pieces were ruined or destroyed in some barbaric way.
- You feel that bodily functions and fluids should not be discussed publicly.
- You think that the only person who should examine human feces is someone wearing a lab coat.
- You don't like going to Pizza Hut.
- You prefer not to interact with teachers.
- You think Elmo's voice is annoying.
- You like weddings -- so much so that you're the person who needs to be shooed off the dance floor at the end of night.
- You feel selfies mean pictures of yourself... alone.
- You feel chocolatey hands should steer clear of white couches and light-colored carpeting.
- You think the "quiet game" is not real.
- You think the word "vacation" means a relaxing time with peace and quiet.
- You think the term "playdate" is silly.
- You want to continue to use the word "baby" to address a significant other.
- You think All You Can Eat restaurants are absurd.
- You don't know the actual lyrics to "Do Your Balls Hang Low" and "Jingle Bells, Batman Smells."
- You like to be alone sometimes.
- You feel negotiations should only occur between adults.
- You think bribery is unethical and has led to the downfall of many societies.
- You dislike staring contests.
- You think Disney World makes Chuck E. Cheese's look like heaven.
- You feel the task of shaping another human being should be left to the professionals.